Setting Up My New Blogging Schedule

Now that I’m back to work and am able to judge how much I can do, it’s time to set up my new blogging schedule. There’s a lot that I want to do in a day.

Part of my ability to get through it all will be to get up at 5am. It’s not happened yet! Today I got up at 7am but last week I was getting up by 6am. I can do 5am, but need to set some alarms! I work better first thing on a morning, when the kids are asleep.

I have client work to get through first. That will always take priority, as it helps me meet my daily income goal. That work should take me two to three hours, depending on the amount that I have to do.

After that, I’ll focus on my news writing and blogs. I want to get through:

  • 4 posts for The Inquisitr
  • 1 post for Blasting News
  • 1 or 2 post for The Daily Voice News
  • 2 blogs posts
  • 1 post for Writedge/Daily Two Cents/Penstrokes/Listofied/Honest Reviewz

I put the slashes in the last one because I want to work on all sites. I just don’t have the time, so I’ll need to pick one for the day. I have five working days of the week, so I’ll work on one each day of the week and create a pattern like that.

This is the plan from August 1, when I’ll start the 30-Day Blogging Challenge again. For this week, I just want to focus on the news sites and just getting one blog post up a day.

I know this sounds like a lot, but if I get up at 5am, I should be finished with all this by lunchtime. That’s the most expensive time of the day for using electric here, so I don’t want to be working during then and I don’t work so well on the evening, unless I have to.

What does you plan for writing look like? Feel free to share it in the comments below.
